Tag Archives: forget

Change or Evolution??


My sweet friend Rex and co-blogger had uploaded this thought and since then its dwindling in my mind. So to give myself some peace, I had to scribble it all down. I have been struggling through a question for quite some time now. With time, age and experience what have I grown into – “Mature or Cautious or Bitter”? Though I find little of all three in me, I could take an insight of it from a few who have known me long enough to comment on me.

But truly, this isn’t just about me. It’s about mostly all those people who are too transparent and true to both what they think and what they say. All those who have never been diplomatic or manipulative. There was a time when I felt I could trust everyone around me. But learnt best in life to give trust some time before you pass it on to someone.

I have experienced heart breaks from the people I had trusted the most. I could keep that count in my heart for life and regret it. But I decided to let it go cause it would hurt me and all the more those few people who stood by me through all thick n thins of life. I would rather cherish those few who make my life worth living than waste my emotions for those who wasted the precious thing I could have given, my love and trust.

But now I have learnt to set myself free.


We are set free from here and now, from ourselves, from the past!! ~ Helen D.

I have learnt that any relationship that are rushed into seldom stays unless you are that one out of hundreds lucky one. The fruit that gets enough time to ripen is the sweetest. The one thats injected into quick ripening always ends up sour towards the crust. I have learnt to let go off things so that there is room for something better that life has to offer. I have learnt to be silent. No, its not supposed to be a yes but its just that I am tired of explaining things to people who seldom try to understand me. I have learnt that sometimes some problems can only be solved by just keeping mum. I have learnt to thank all those who were not there when I needed them cause they made me do things on my own. I have learnt to learn from my mistakes but never to regret it cause thats what made me better. I have learnt to breath in the present and breath out the past.

Some might find me changed with time but I would like to call it evolution. An Evolution from Ignorance to Understanding and Knowledge of the Reality of co-existance with all kinds!!

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