Awards, Honor, Recognition : A Note of Thanks

Oh My God! Its August, already a couple of months passed since I was nominated for the first Liebster Award by my friend Rekha (Dew Drops) in March. I was quite new to blogging then and honestly, didn’t know much about the rules of awards and nominations. So, just smiled at the post and liked it. Then came another set of few nominations again from Rekha by July and from my co-blogger Lauren (Scully Speaks). So many awards have been going around in my little circle the past while. Thank you so much, and I am finally accepting it. 🙂

Rekha had nominated me a set of awards which I am not even sure to deserve but I am very thankful to her. She had been an inspiration point since the time I had started blogging. In fact, I should say she is the one who dragged me into the world of blogging. She has been and still is a Mentor and Guide in many ways.

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Thanks again Rekha for this bunch of awards and believing in me. You know I am a great fan of your writing and you have a long way to go. Waiting eagerly for your publications. 🙂 I would like to thank Lauren who had recognized me and my posts and nominated me for The Liebster Award.


I had found an instant connection as I read through her posts and knowing her. To sacrifice her career for raising her kids and giving them personal attention was what I had to do myself. I am sure her babies would be proud to have a mother like Lauren.

As I am new to this blogging awards, I had to do a little research and Googling on Internet to understand it and got through with few links (Blog Award Origins and The Official Rules) to help with the rules. Liebster is German and means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome. Isn’t that sweet? Blogging is about building a community and it’s a great way to connect with other bloggers and help spread the word about newer bloggers/blogs.

Facts about me… Hmmm… Let me see!

1. To start with, I am a home-maker by choice specially for my two little angels who require my presence to grow up into beautiful human beings, the world could be proud of.

2. I am a full-time dreamer. I dream almost every time with my eyes wide open too. My thoughts are the asset I cherish most. My writings are based on the volcanoes and tsunamis that keep erupting inside me. 😉 It was just a fine day that these weird bubbles in my mind took place on my blog jumping out of my diary.

3. I just love cooking and am a big time foodie. New recipes, tasty dishes and colorful ingredients just make me crazy and I am in no position to resist the temptation, both to cook them and eat them. I have my own culinary page on Facebook, I Eat Cos I Love to Cook, with a variety of recipes and other topics related to cooking. My journey towards cooking has been very hillarious (What’s Cooking).

4. I am a social animal. Can’t even think to live my life in solitary for even a day. I love being in a big company and am crazy about partying.

5. Driving and talking with the wind, travelling, reading, watching romantic movies are few of my many interests as it’s a long list.

Ten Questions from Scully Speaks:

1. Who do you love most in your life?  My angels, 11-year-old Anashwara and 2-year-old Tweety 🙂

2. Which 3 items would you take to a deserted island? My tab, my tab and my tab 😉

3. What is your favorite charity? Charity for Empowerment.

4. Why do you blog? As I said earlier, it’s a medium for me to pour out my feelings and thoughts that keep erupting inside me. Also, I get to know that I am not the only one who feels it.

5. If you have children, how many and why did you name them what you did? If you don’t have children, what would you name your future children if you had to name them right now? I am blessed with two beautiful daughters. My elder is named Anashwara, meaning something that can never be destroyed. She is the first child of our family and very dear to my mother. So, she was the one who named her. My younger one is named Advayaa which means unique or the only one. It was a result of search for the whole 9 months.Though no particular reason but just found it very appealing. But yes, she is nicknamed Tweety by me after a month of her birth cos she resembles the cartoon character Tweety so much specially her beak-like lips which have a natural pout. 🙂


6. What is the first concert you ever went to and how old were you? If you’ve never gone, who would you want to see? Oh! that’s a tough one cos honestly I am not a very big fan of live concerts. Did get a lot of opportunities to attend a few, but lend them to others. But, now that my elder one is into music and dance, I might as well go and watch her concert one day.

7. How much money would you pay to be front and center at the event of your choice? (I.e. world series, super bowl, concert, world cup, broadway musical, etc). If its my darling’s concert, nothing is costly. 🙂

8. What’s your favorite YouTube channel? Just For Laugh Gags for sure

9. Describe Scully Speaks blog using 5 adjectives. Though I am yet to read most of her posts but by the few I have found the blog Interesting, Informative, Appealing, Agreeable and Intelligent. 🙂

10. In your opinion, does time heal all wounds? It’s a very tricky question. I believe that every human’s best quality is the ability to forget. God has created us with this very unique quality which otherwise could be taken for a negative attribute but mostly works for our own good. The only difference would be the time span taken for different individuals. So, yes, I do believe that time does heal all wounds.

Finally, as the rule goes, I would like to shower The Liebster Award and I Love Your Blog Award to under mentioned amazing blogs I had been following.

liebster-award2i  luv ur blog award

1. Rekha –
2. Lauren –
3. Pratiksha –
4. Hitchy –
5. Sitara Nair –
6. Angelart Star –
7. Terry –
8. Shreya Sudesh –
9. Abhishek –
10. Vinay –

Questions for the blogs I have nominated:

1. How long have you been blogging and do you blog every day?
2. What did you want to achieve by starting your blog?
3. Has your blog changed direction since you started?
4. What kind of blogs do you follow?
5. Which is your favorite post that you’ve written?
6. If you were an animal, what would you be?
7. Do you have any pet peeves?
8. A sentence or two describing a happy memory from your childhood.
9. Something that you learned recently.
10. What is your favorite season of the year?

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10 thoughts on “Awards, Honor, Recognition : A Note of Thanks

  1. Scully Speaks August 6, 2013 at 11:37 pm Reply

    I loved your post! Way to go girlie!

  2. Pratiksha August 7, 2013 at 9:43 am Reply

    Thank you so much Saritha… 🙂 🙂 As I’m new to these blog awards can you plz explain me- do I’ve to answer your questions and nominate another 10 bloggers ?? And a query- how do you come to know that you have won such awards?

    • SariDreams August 7, 2013 at 10:07 am Reply

      These are not exactly an award that you know about. These are basically a way to express your appreciation for a particular blog that has inspired yor or those you love to read and follow. These awards are a way we co-bloggers get know more about each other. I myself took some time before I understood the rules of nomination. Basically you just need to accept the award by a post which has
      1. Address to those who nominated you and tag them on your post
      2. Few facts about yourself
      3. Answer the questions set by the person who nominated you
      4. As a social courtesy, nominate 10 blogs of your network for the award
      5. Set a quetionaire for them
      Thats it. 🙂

  3. Pratiksha August 7, 2013 at 11:16 am Reply

    ohh.. dats nice.. thank you so much 🙂 🙂

  4. Lorraine Marie Reguly August 7, 2013 at 11:34 pm Reply

    Thanks for linking to my blog! By the way, I love the theme you chose (LOL). It makes me feel like I’m right at home!

    Congratulations on your award!

  5. SariDreams August 8, 2013 at 12:31 am Reply

    Oh Lorraine! that’s too much of a coincidence. 😀 Din’t notice that initially. And when you mentioned it I was confused what theme you were talking about. But I guess I figured it out very quickly. 😉 So, reading your blog from now would be a bit more personalized. 🙂

  6. Rekha August 8, 2013 at 9:33 am Reply

    Hey Sari, you made my day dear! 🙂 I am sure I don’t deserve the tons and tons of appreciating words you’ve poured upon me. As I told you earlier too, you have been an inspiration for me since school for I always admired your cheerfulness, your lively attitude and the amount of energy you poured into anyone you met. As usual, one of your best posts. I am off early tomorrow morning, so will accept these awards in a short while. Thank you so so much! 🙂 And keep writing as it passes on a lot of positive vibes into all of us. 🙂

  7. SariDreams August 8, 2013 at 11:54 am Reply

    No Rex, I meant each word I wrote.. 🙂

  8. More and More Love… | Dew Drops December 18, 2013 at 4:45 pm Reply

    […] classmate Saritha of SariDreams has been gracious enough to shower me with not just one, two or three, but four blog awards in the […]

  9. Lorraine Marie Reguly May 28, 2014 at 9:30 am Reply

    Hi! I am leaving this comment because I would like for you to update your post with the correct link to the “Official Rules,” as I am going to be completely deleting my old site (Lorraine Reguly’s Life) and so would really appreciate it if you could update your post with a link to Wording Well. This is my new site and you will be left with a broken link if you don’t change it. Right now, I have a redirect in place, but that will disappear when I delete my site. I don’t want you to be left with a broken link! Besides, is still the same post is always was; only the domain name has changed. This may not seem like a big deal to you, but it is to me. The internet is forever – or at least until we change things, so, please, can you change this for me? (Thanks!)

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